This is a compilation of lingo, phrases that belong to The 13. To find a word, use "ctrl + f" and enter in the word you want to read on.
- autopistol
Also known as machine pistol or a submachine gun in the pre-Nuclear War (see "Nuclear War") days. It combines the automatic function of firing round after round without manually loading it into the size of a handgun or pistol (see "pistol")
If used well, such a weapon can be a deadly force, due the versatility of the firearm. However, in untrained hands, there can be serious repercussions, because of the high recoil of the weapon. - assassin
A murderer who kills a prominent figure, either to state a point or to receive payment. The definition of an assassin has changed drastically since Nuclear War (see "Nuclear War").
An assassin used to be one who kills using stealth techniques, in order to avoid detection and getting caught. Since assassinations has become the dominant form of warfare between pseudonations (see "pseudonations"), the rise of different assassin classifications with unique skills, such as Raider Assassins (see "Raider Assassin") and Demolition Assassins (see "Demolition Assassin"), has transformed the definition of an assassin more akin to that of a mercenary, although many of the old techniques of killing still remains.
Many assassins are now sanctioned by pseudonations. There are, however, some who prefer to be freelance. While there are some assassins that are loyal to certain pseudonations, most are willing to follow where the money is most. - Assassin Era
An era of using assassins (see "Assassins") as weapons to achieve means.
After the great Nuclear War (see "Nuclear War"), there was an underlying fear in the usage of weapons of mass destruction (see "weapons of mass destruction"), so much so that rogue pseudonations (see "pseudonations") would avoid such methods to achieve their means. Therefore, the use of assassins rose as the predominant form of warfare, sparking an era where paid killers were a normal occurance. - Assassin's Code
Unspoken rules among hitmen when engaging a target or otherwise. May be seen more as a guide than a law to some.
Such rules or guidelines include:- When knowing an assassasin's true identity, do not advertise the fact. (see "Crosshair")
- When engaging another assassin or assassins, no other assassin is to get involved.
- Do not steal another assassin's assignment (see "assignment") if he or she already agreed to a deal.
- An assassin is not a thief.
- An assassin must complete his assignment. If the assignment is unable to be completed, the assassin must refund his reward (see "blood money") or life, depending on the terms and conditions of the contract.
- An assassin should never engage another assassin when neither are under an assignment to do so, unless a Duel (see "Duel") is issued.
It is interesting to note that assassins have their own peculiar form of ethics concerning the Assassin's Code. - assignment
An assignment is a paid job issued to an assassin. It involves the assassin to sign a contract with terms and conditions within. A contracted assassin is free to kill any other assassin should that assassin be impeding the progress of the assignment, according to the Assassin's Code (see "Assassin's Code")
- Back Blade Technique
Arguably the most versatile and complex technique, the back blade technique uses a back hand grip on a blade (see "katana") and relies on ample speed and agility. It is a slash technique that is known for the spin counter, whereby a forward attack is dodged on a spin forward while simultaneously landing the back blade behind the skull of the opponent, a known blind spot for most Martial Assassins (see "Martial Assassin").
The shinobi clan that used this technique was once the most powerful clan in Oryza (see "Oryza") , but was hunted down and wiped out by certain Neuera assassins. - Bank of Monetary Exchange (BME)
One of the many firms that rode the rise of the Assassin Era (see "Assassin Era"). It has many branches, many of them situated in dusties (see "Dusty"). Many of their customers are assassins looking for a safe place to put their blood money (see "blood money") and away from prying eyes and hands. However, many branches employ Knights (see "Knight") to protect their vaults from rouge killers, much to the disdain of many assassins.
- Bank's Rules
In order to keep order within the boundaries of the BME (see "Bank of Monetary Exchange (BME)"), the BME instituted rules to all their clients.
These rules are:- No weapons allowed in the BME.
- No form of devices or nanites (see "nanite").
- No looking at other clients' records.
- No killing.
- Definitely no stealing.
- The BME reserves the right to refuse the services of anyone, and may take drastic action, including capital punishment, to do so.
- Boy
The main character in the side story in The 13 (see "The 13") that is written at the start of each chapter.
- Big Bang
He was responsible for the mass killings that sent the pseudonation (see "pseudonation") Maroda (see "Maroda") into a downhill spiral, thus starting the trend of Demolition Assassins (see "Demolition Assassin"). Extremely intelligent, possessing an encyclopedia-like knowledge of explosives and mechanics, and innovative. He designed the Hellboy Gauntlets (see "Hellboy Gauntlets"), which to this date is unable to be reproduced. He enjoys dressing up for assignments (see "assignment"), and never seems to take anything seriously.
For more information, see Character Profile. - Blackwasp
Whisper's (see "Whisper") side firearm. The stealthier choice to the bulky, more powerful Colossus Cannon (see "Colossus Cannon"). Small, silent, light, highly accurate with low recoil, it is the perfect stealth weapon for women, considering that the size is normally too small to be used by men.
Its weaknesses are range, power and limited bullet capacity. Furthermore, after usage of 16 shots, the maximum number of mini-bullets (see "mini-round") it can hold, the Blackwasp is rendered useless, since its inner parts are delicate to the violent nature of firing. Nevertheless, 16 mini-rounds are normally sufficient for an effective assassin.
It should be noted that Whisper has configured her Blackwasp to increase the range to 100 meters, far further than a normal Blackwasp. She also configured her Blackwasp into an autopistol (see "autopistol") - Blood Rain
A pseudonation (see "pseudonation") that many consider rogue. They are the leading pseudonation in terms of power, land mass and influence. Slavery, prostitution, concentration camps and genocide are all considered legal within the pseudonation. Controlled by central government that is a dictatorship, Blood Rain is determined to expand is borders, without many to oppose it.
The Ripper (see "Ripper") has carried out many of his famous killings against this pseudonation, and is said to the primary reason why Blood Rain has not gained power rapidly in recent years. - blood money
The reward usually given after an assignment (see "assignment") is completed. This is normally withheld should the assignment be incomplete or if the terms and conditions of the contract has been broken or unfulfilled.
Assassins normally store their blood money into the BME (see "Bank of Monetary Exchange (BME)") - Blood Money Everywhere (BME)
see "Bank of Monetary Exchange (BME)"
- Captain Taylor
The unfortunate captain of the Jakron Corps (see "Jakron Corps") during the time of Carnage's (see "Carnage") prison break. A veteran soldier, with intimate knowledge of assassins, though he despises them, and the leader of the only organised conscripted army in the world. He is a man of discipline and honour, even if he is not above taking a few bribes himself.
- Casino Strip
Comprising half of the Nevada Dusty (see "Nevada Dusty"), in the middle of the Vada Desert (see "Vada Desert"), it is the glamorous strip of casinos and hotels. The owner of the land is said to be a mysterious man who retired from the assassin world.
- Carnage
This much is certain: he was once a normal being and had a close friendship with Jack (see "Jack"). He was captured and experimented on, increasing his muscles mass and adrenalin levels to a huge extent. The experiments (see "experiments") affected his psyche, forcing his mind to that similar to a child. Big, bulky, unstoppable and armed with the awesome firepower of the Demonfire Chaingun, the only weapon able to rival the Colossus Cannon (see "Colossus Cannon") in terms of power, he is the first assassin of his kind.
For more information, see Character Profile. - Colossus Cannon
Shoulder-launched with adjustable degrees of firepower. Large and unwieldy, it is considered useless to many assassins. However, Whisper's (see "Whisper") combination of strength and agility makes the Colossus cannon an extremely lethal weapon. Each charge has a huge blast radius upon impact, making it almost impossible for an assassin to escape should he be in the center of aim. Furthermore, since the weapon is plasma charged, it has virtually infinite amount of ammo, only requiring a cool-down period between each charge; the length of time depending on the power of the charge.
- Crosshair
Impertinent, flamboyant and temperamental, Crosshair's demeanor breaks all of the rules governing an assassin's psyche. An incorrigible flirt, he believes himself to be god's gift to women.
Killed by a rival sniper, he revived miraculously, only to find out that he was in Neuera (see "Neuera") where they were manufacturing cyborg assassins from dead bodies. His flesh eyes and an arm had already been replaced by Cybertronics (see "Cybertronics"), making him the only living Cyborg Assassin when he escaped.
For more information, see Character Profile. - Cybertronics
The technology used by Neuera (see "Neuera"), to merge flesh with devices, thus enhancing the strength, senses and quickness of the physical being, creating Cyborg Assassins (see "Cyborg Assassin").
- Cyborg Assassin
Using Cybertronics (see "Cybertronics") to enhance the physical, Neuera (see "Neuera") had the tool to create the perfect assassin. The only problem was that Cybertronics clashed with the living tissue, the body usually rejecting the state of a cyborg. Therefore, they use dead bodies to create their cyborg assassins. The one exception was Crosshair (see "Crosshair"), who had revived halfway through the process and escaped before his heart could be affected.Till now, Crosshair remains the only being involving man and machine in perfect harmony.
Although they are without emotion and are completely loyal, they lack the cunning and intelligence required to be truly prefect. - Deathtrap
He was one of the reasons for the rise of Maroda (see "Maroda"), and in the process built a reputation of being a fearsome and ruthless killer. Nicknamed the Poison Master by his peers from his preferred method of killing. Being exposed to the multitude of poisons and toxins had built him an immune system powerful enough to withstand them.
As a leading mind in the fields of chemistry and biology, he has made significant contributions to science, including the manufacture of utonium (see "utonium") an indestructable metal, and numerous ways to boost the immunity system against biological toxins.
At the age of over seventy, he was thought to have retired from the Game, dropping out of the grid (see "grid"). However, he was asked to come out of retirement to provide veteran advice to The 13 (see "The 13").
For more information, see Character Profile. - Demolition Assassin
Assassins have used explosives for generations, even before the Nuclear War (see "Nuclear War"). However, ever since Big Bang (see "Big Bang") has turned it into an art form, the term Demolition Assassin began to catch fire. One of the ermerging "new-age assassins" (see "new-age assassin"), Demolition Assassins prefer to forgo all the hassle of research and intel, and just watch the victim, if not the building the victim is in, go 'Boom!'.
- Doctor Strange
Strange was one of the most brilliant minds in the surgical field, before he was found to have conducted several surgical experiments on his patients without the patients' consent, effectively killing some of them. Kicked out of the medical fraternity left him to find patients that hospitals avoided: Free-lance Assassins. He does not hold any value in human life and at the same time obsessed in the biology of assassins, which he considers to be meta-human.
Jack (see "Jack") reluctantly invited Strange to be part of The 13 (see "The 13"), knowing full well that the doctor's expertise is required.
For more information, see Character Profile. - dropship
Designed like a small hovership, it allows Pickup (see "Pickup") to pickup (see "pick up") and drop off (see "drop off") the assassins without anyone noticing. Small and heavily armoured, it also perfect for escaping, or entering, dangerous situations. Without weaponry, the best cause of action is to flee should a dropship be targeted.
- drop off
A drop off is action of setting the assassin into the scene of the assignment (see "assignment"). A drop off is critical, especially from the air in the case of the Securus (see "S.S. Securus") as it may alert any security nearby. Sometimes, a drop off can be far away from the venue, and traveling on land to avoid detection.
- Duel
According to the Assassin's Code (see "Assassin's Code"), assassins can face off if none of them are involved in an assignment (see "assignment"). Ample warning must be given to all parties involved, with a venue and time included. A Duel can involve more than 1 assassin in each party if all parties are agreed, although it is usually one versus one. When a Duel starts, there are no rules, and anything goes until there is one surviving party.
- Dusty
Assassins are vigorously tracked by pseudonations (see "pseudonation"). Considered to be neutral ground, Dusties provide the sanctuary of anonymity and give assassins a chance to catch their breath. Within dusties, it consists of weapon sellers, identification change, drug pushers, the BME (see "Bank of Monetary Exchange (BME)") and other 'legal' activities.
- Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)
Electromagnetic radiation or an intensely fluctuating magnetic field produced by devices to produce damaging current and voltage surges that damages any unprotected electrical devices. This can be used to nullify any devices within an area to cut communication, detection and other applications. A EMP can come in all shapes and sizes; with small ones like the mini-EMP (see "mini-EMP") producing a small EMP radius to large ones that can cover a whole pseudonation (see "pseudonation")
- Eruditio University
The elite university situated in Nightingale (see "Nightingale"). It is also the place where Whisper (see "Whisper") teaches at when she dropped out of the grid (see "grid") as Ms. Susurro (see "Ms. Susurro").
- experiments
The assassin arms race turned from the weapons to the assassins themselves, with efforts from pseudonations (see "pseudonation") to improve speed, strength, concentration and other physical and mental aspects of the human physiology. This led to questionable experiments to the human body to attain positive results. Evidence of these experiments were seen in the supposedly neutral and assassin-free Jakron facility (see "Jakron Asylum").
- "eye in the sky"
The one overseeing an operation as it progresses. The "eye in the sky" is so named because that person normally has an objective view point to make tactical decisions. In the case of The 13 (see "The 13"), their "eye in the sky" is Scope (see "Scope"), who uses her SCC (see "Scope Command Center (SCC)") to receive and assimilate information from the nanites (see "nanite") within the assassins' bodies, and making decisions based on that information.
- Gausk Sniper Rifle XT.78
A super-ranged weapon with an effective range of up to twelve kilometers. With a round capacity of only 5 rounds, the Gausk is only used by the most experienced snipers. Crosshair (see "Crosshair") had his Gausk modified to allow the scope to shifted down, preferring to rely on his Neuera Eyes (see "Neuera Eyes") to sight his target.
- Gemini Assassin
A Gemini Assassin is an assassin with 2 or more specialties in assassin techniques, therefore are considered the elite in the assassin world. For example, Whisper (see "Whisper"), a premier Gemini Assassin, specialises in both stealth and raiding (see "raider") kills, making her lethal in almost any situation.
- greenhouse
On board the S.S. Securus (see "S.S. Securus"), there is a greenhouse which Jack (see "Jack") houses to grow plants for specific toxic and medicinal purposes. It fast becomes Deathtrap's (see "Deathtrap") favourite place to relax.
- grid
When an assassin is active, he/she is tracked and monitored by various assassin guilds (see "guild"), corporations and pseudonations (see "pseudonation"). This is referred as the 'grid' by assassins. There are numerous to fall off the grid, including different forms of identity change or long periods of inactivity.
- guild
An organisation of assassins, normally of their own specialty, that distributes assignments and train assassins. They normally send out one assassin for each assignment, which is where The 13 (see "The 13") is unique, and collects a percentage of the blood money (see "blood money"). Some guilds even develop their own weapons to distribute to its own members. Membership and service to the guild is voluntary.
- hovership
A large form of transportation that uses plasma propulsion and other unknown Nereranian (see "Neuera") technology to hover in the air. This allows easy access to drop sites for assassins. Although, the hovership was designed by Neuera, the technology has leaked out, making hoverships relatively common. The S.S. Securus (see"S.S. Securus") can be considered to be a hovership, although the Securus is much larger than the average.
- Hellboy Gauntlets
Designed by explosives extraordinaire, Big Bang (see "Big Bang"), the Hellboy Gauntlets is truly a unique weapon. Designed to explode on impact, yet no affecting the user, the Hellboy Gauntlets are truly the ultimate close combat weapon. To make matter worse for any opponent against a Hellboy user, the Gauntlets can set off different kinds of impacts, including EMP (see "Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)"), concussion and incendiary. One of a kind, its systems are so complex, it is virtually impossible to replicate without Big Bang's assistance.
- Jack
Leader and founder of The 13 (see "The 13"). Also known as the Ripper (see "Ripper"), Jack has gained infamy throughout the assassin world. As an assassin, he has almost no weaknesses, with specialties in various assassin arts, such as stealth, poison, raiding and sniping. Strangely enough, he is an assassin with a conscience, killing only when he has to. He fights with a trademark smile on his face, with serves an unnerving poker face to his enemy and a reminder of his past.
For more information, see Character Profile. - Jakron Asylum
The place where Carnage (see "Carnage") was experimented (see "experiments") on. Jakron Asylum is a freelance jail, allowing pseudonations (see "pseudonation") to use its state-of-the-art facility to imprison their worst criminals at a price. Using the disciplined Jakron Corps (see "Jakron Corps") for security, Jakron Asylum is home to the worst of the worst.
Although it is considered a neutral ground, perfect assassin experiments were conducted in its grounds, probably at the sanction of a pseudonation. - Jakron Corps
The strong. The disciplined. The proud. The Jakron Corps prides itself as the last organised fighting force left. Led by Captain Taylor (see "Captain Taylor"), the Jakron Corps are used to defend Jakron Asylum as a neutral institution. Using state-of-the-art weapons and technology, they are used to prevent invasion by any assassin of any type.
- katana
The sword of preference used by many assassins. It is generally light, with differing lengths, and curved to increase the effectiveness of the blade. It is a popular weapon among Martial Assassins (see "Martial Assassin"), and is even used by the great Ripper (see "Ripper").
Used centuries before the Nuclear War (see "Nuclear War"), the best katanas were said to be those from the pre-Nuclear War days, to the extent that it was said contain the spirit of ancient warriors. - Knight
Consisting of bodyguards and bounty hunters, the Knights are individuals who are openly against the Assassin Era (see "Assassin Era"). Their hatred for the assassins has led them to, ironically, profit from them, offering their services as freelance protectors of various establishments and individuals, like the BME (see "Bank of Monetary Exchange (BME)").
They follow a strict code of honour, namely to kill no one but assassins. Believing that assassins are all without that honour, they take steps to eliminate assassins, one at a time. - Kodachi Fang
A short blade, used by Rounin (see "Rounin") together with the Tachi Fang (see "Tachi Fang"). It is gripped with the blade facing away from the thumb. When in being used in the Back Blade Technique (see "Back Blade Technique"), it is primarily used as for defensive and ambush purposes.
It is one of the hardest blades known, since it was designed to deflect projectiles. - Lovers Day
Not unlike the pre-Nuclear War (see "Nuclear War") Valentine's Day, Lovers Day is a day to commemorate love. It is considered a pseudonation-wide holiday in Nightingale (see "Nightingale"), and many parties and parades were organised for this event. Because of the chaos and raucous celebrations, it is also the perfect time for hits.
- Luciano
Capital of Nightingale (see "Nightingale"), it is considered by many as the most romantic place in the world. Its most prominent landmark is the Remus Clock Tower (see "Remus Clock Tower"), well known for its perfect scenery and suicide cases.
- Martial Assassin
Determined to stay neutral and not get involved in the assassin wars, Oryza (see "Oryza") needed a form of protection against other assassins. Thus began the development of Martial Assassins. Most Martial Assassins had roots as farmers, before being hand-picked by various Martial Assassin clans. Their goal is simple: Protect Oryza. Therefore, Martial Asssassins are known to be the only assassins that are trained to protect, by striking at the enemy first.
Since Oryza is home to many crops and livestock, Martial Assassins avoid firearms to prevent excessive collateral damage, relying on primitive projectiles and hand-to-hand weapons. - Maroda
After the great Nuclear War (see "Nuclear War"), Maroda was the first pseudonation that rose to power, relying on the backs of the assassin trade. They kick started the trend of using assassins as a form of warfare, growing in power over the other pseudonations. Among the famous assassins under their employ was the Poison Master (see "Poison Master") and the Anaconda.
The pseudonation's dominance, however, collapsed after a decisive strike at their leaders. Big Bang (see "Big Bang"), the world's first Demolition Assassin (see "Demolition Assassin"), collapsed the building which held all of Maroda's top leaders, single handedly causing the fall of Maroda and the rise of Blood Rain (see "Blood Rain"). - mini-EMP
Miniature-sized EMP (see "Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)"). Used by Whisper(see "Whisper") in the form of earrings.
- mini-round
Used in miniature firearms like the Blackwasp (see "Blackwasp"), mini-rounds are low in terms of power, due to its small size. However, because of its weight, the range can be quite far.
- Ms. Susurro
Whisper's (see "Whisper") alter-ego when she is off the grid (see"grid"). She teaches political science in the elite Eruditio University (see "Eruditio University") as Ms. Susurro.
- Mr. T
Graduated with top honours in the Institute of technology, he was considered a prodigy in space-time physics and nanotechnology (see "nanites"). He was part of the Blood Rain (see "Blood Rain") R&D section before turning traitor before being recruited by Maroda (see "Maroda") as an assassin. Currently in association with the Royal Knife (see "Royal Knife") from Nightingale (see "Nightingale"), being the only non-Gemini Assassin (see "Gemini Assassin") with that status.
Mr. T uses three tiny spheres that are technological marvels with a multitude of uses that constantly revolves around him. Some of its uses are light-bending, a magnetic shield and concentrated lasers that can be used as weapons.
For more information, see Character Profile. - nanite
Microscopic robots. Also known as nanobots, nanites are able to affect changes from the microscopic or cellular level. All of the assassins, except Whisper (see "Whisper"), within The 13 (see "The 13") are infected with nanites.
- Some of the properties include:
- Instant communication by simply willing it to occur.
- Information, such as maps can appear in the sight by transferring signals to the auditory nerves in the eyes, allowing the user to access that information by simply wishing for it to be so.
- Destructive. Nanites, if given access to the body, can destroy the body at a cellular level, not unlike aggressive bacteria or viruses.
- Light-bending effects. If woven into a suit, nanites can be actually bend light around the users body, causing the user to be invisible, as shown in Mr. T's (see "Mr. T") suit.
Like most machines, not all nanites are the same, as quality depends on the nanotechnology used as well as the manufacturer's skill. - Neuera
This pseudonation (see "pseudonation") believes that technology is the way to dominance. The pseudonation thus became the leading developer in multiple fields of science. The pseudonation is also known to be ruthless in their pursuit for scientific monopoly, ignoring the ethics involved. Therefore, in finding the solution for the perfect assassin, Neuera has resorted to cloning, cybertronics (see "cybertronics"), and careless development of Artificial Intelligence.
They are currently using cyborgs (see "cyborg") constructed from dead bodies using cybertronics as assassins (see "assassin"). - Neuera Eyes
Fixed onto cyborgs (see "Cyborg Assassin") from Neuera (see "Neuera"), Neuera Eyes allows the user to view objects clearly at a range of fifteen kilometers. Other properties also include infra-red, night-vision, heat sensor and limited X-ray vision. Neuera Eyes are also connected to a database in the brain and are able to pull identities of any assassin on the grid using face-recognition technology.
The only known human alive that is able to utilize the Neuera Eyes is none other than Crosshair (see "Crosshair"), enabling him to be one of the top Sniper Assassins (see "Sniper Assassin") in the assassin world. - Neueranian Cyborg Corps
Armed with the latest weapons and technology, including the famous Neuera Eyes (see "Neuera Eyes"), incorruptible, superior strength and agility, and equipped with undying will to finish an assignment, one would think that Neuera (see "Neuera") has found the solution (see "experiments") to the perfect assassin in the Neueranian Cyborg Corps. Yet, many assassins consider Cyborgs (see "Cyborg Assassin"), to be second rate assassins, due to the lack of killer instinct and intelligence most assassins possess.
- "new-age assassin"
As the assassin form rapidly evolves, radically new types of assassins are coming into the picture. Called "new-age assassins" by some of the old-school assassins, they ignore the old rules of assassinations, like stealth, research of the target and protection of hitman's identity. Some examples are the Demolition Assassins (see "Demolition Assassin") and Raider Assassins (see "Raider Assassin").
- Nightingale
This pseudonation (see "pseudonation") does not want to get involved with the affairs of other pseudonations, yet understands that it requires the employ of first-rate assassins to ensure its security. Nightingale was the first to train Gemini Assassins (see "Gemini Assassin"), who relying on the versatility to defeat other assassins. It was a huge success, with Gemini Assassins being trained all overt he world, though most are still loyal to Nightingale.
Considered the most peaceful pseudonation in the world, other than perhaps Oryza (see "Oryza"), Nightingale is famous for its bustling tourist industry, especially in Luciano (see "Luciano"), its capital. It is also the only pseudonation with a monarchic system, whereby the Queen is the highest order of Royalty. - Nuclear War
Also known as World War III to many, the Nuclear War changed the world forever, plunging civilization into a state of chaos, as countries collapsed and knowledge was lost. The Nuclear War was the great equalizer; every man after the Nuclear War was the same, as the old county borders no longer existed. Survival took priority over technology and progress.
As men started jostling for land and territory, pseudonations (see "pseudonation") were formed and the Assassin Era (see "Assassin Era") began. - Nevada Dusty
Located near the Vada Desert (see "Vada Desert"), the Nevada Dusty is a unique dusty (see "dusty"), with the dusty divided into two; the first half similar to the average dusty, and the second half forming the Casino Strip (see "Casino Strip").
- Oryza
One of the few pseudonations (see "pseudonation") that was almost unaffected by the Nuclear War (see "Nuclear War"), Oryza remains as the only pseudonation with an abundance in fertile land. Oryza is willing to distribute its food surplus to the rest of the world, taking a neutral stance in the Assassin Era (see "Assassin Era"). Therefore, it is seen by many as a benevolent pseudonation.
However, a monopoly on produce would be an asset other pseudonations crave. Knowing full well of that, Oryza has trained lethal Martial Assassins (see "Martial Assassin") to defend it. Till now, Oryza has stopped countless numbers of takeover attempts from Maroda (see "Maroda") and Blood Rain (see "Blood Rain"), by using Martial Assassins to strike at them first. - pick up
A pick up is opposite of a drop off (see "drop off"). It is the action of extricating the assassin from the site of assignment, preferably safely.
- Pickup
The man who was said to be able to ride anything with an engine, Pickup is a natural born rider, driver and pilot. With his nimble hands and quick mind, he has declared he can learn to operate any vehicle in 48 hours. The Securus (see "S.S. Securus") was the sole vehicle that nearly caused him to lose that claim.
Pickup is also fond of riding at full speed and performing tricks, much to the chagrin of his passengers.
For more information, see Character Profile. - Piece
Proclaiming himself to the a business man, Piece is negotiator and representative of the Ripper (see "Ripper"). Suave and gifted with a glib toungue, Piece is the ultimate diplomat.
Piece also has an intimate understanding of weaponry, especially firearms. He believes he can modify, reproduce or assemble any firearm, with the exception of the Hellboy Gauntlets (see "Hellboy Gauntlets"), as long as he has th proper equiment, hence the nickname "Piece".
For more information, see Character Profile. - pistol
A small handheld gun.
- Poison Assassin
A dying type of assassin. Poison Assassins increased in numbers at the time when Deathtrap's (see "Deathtrap") infamy grew. Yet, the road to be a great Poison Assassin requires to a great amount of knowledge, skill and tolerance to pain, since most Poison Assassins work to get their bodies immune to the toxins they work with. Furthermore, a Poison Assassin has to be prepared to forgo his vanity as the work with acids and toxins will definitely take its toll on the skin, making this the least popular path for an assassin to follow.
- Poison Master
see "Deathtrap".
- pseudonation
After the Nuclear War (see "Nuclear War"), the countries of old no longer existed as mankind struggled to survive. However, tribes began to emerge from the survivors which eventually led to the rise of pseudonations, countries with no real territorial boundries.
- raider
An assassination skill. Raider skills require the assassin to be bold and upfront. It is the skill to confront the target head on, and take out any obstacles in the way. No disguises, hiding in the shadows or sniping required. The bloodier, the better.
It serves two objectives:
1) To create the shock and awe effect for an escape.
2) To bring attention to the message the assassin is trying to convey.
The best in this skill is perhaps the Raider Assassins (see "Raider Assassin"), although the Ripper (see "Ripper") is also known to use raider tactics. - Raider Assassin
The most controversial of all assassin types. Raider Assassins break almost all traditional assassin techniques. They prefer to be noticed instead of avoiding seen by witnesses. With their multiple piercings, tattoos, and loud vulgarities, it is hard not to notice them.
Raider Assassins also prefer to give the impression of being foolhardy and striking their opponent or target when they least expect it, making them masters of distracting an opponent. - Remus Clock Tower
The highest point in Luciano (see "Luciano"), capital of Nightingale (see "Nightingale"). Blessed with a perfect view of the city, the Remus Clock Tower is considered by many as the most romantic place in the most romantic city. Unfortunately, due to the high number of suicides on Lover's Day (see "Lover's Day"), the clock tower had to closed by authorities during the festive occasion.
- Ripper
As Blood Rain (see "Blood Rain") gained in power, the number of hits on Blood Rain's top officials grew higher, all performed by one man. That man, strangely enough, never took credit for any of the hits, preferring to stay in the shadows. As the number of hits grew, so did Blood Rain's frustration and the infamy of the mysterious man. That man soon gained the name of the Ripper, in line with the katana slices on his victim's bodies.
The 13 (see "The 13") soon found out the true identity of the Ripper was Jack (see "Jack"). - Rounin
Made an outcast from his Martial Assassin (see "Martial Assassin") tribe in Oryza (see "Oryza") for reason unknown, Rounin is one of thefew surviving practitioners of the Back Blade Technique (See "Back Blade Technique"). He has a hatred for firearms, believing them to be weapons of slaughter rather than honour. Silent, contemplative and resilient, Rounin is one of, if not the most, deadly assassin in terms of close combat techniques.
For more information, see Character Profile. - Royal Knife
Organized in allegiance to the queen of Nightingale (see "Nightingale"), the Royal Knife is an assassin group handpicked to serve the royalty and are above standard laws in Nightingale. While based locally, they are known to systematically eliminate all potential threats in other countries. Most members of the Royal Knife are experts at intelligence and espionage, and are deadly loyal to their Queen.
- Scope
At the tender age of 16, Scope designed the highly complicated SCC (see "Scope Command Center (SCC)") during her training in the Secret Intelligence Forces (see "Secret Intelligence force (SIF)"). The objective of the software was simple, to acquire and assimilate information and provide options to the user so the user can make informed decisions as an "eye in the sky" (see ""eye in the sky""). She left the SIF when many of her commanding officers felt threatened by the sophisticated software.
For more information, see Character Profile. - Scope Command Center (SCC)
An extremely complicated software that only Scope (see "Scope") can operate in its optimum capacity. The complexity of the software is also made worse when considering the high hardware requirement.
The SCC, in the case of The 13 (see "The 13"), receives information from the nanites (see "nanite") from the assassin's body, able to pick audio and visual information of each individual's surroundings and simultaneously providing options on what decisions to make. Each option is accompanied with a scenario, which the "eye in the sky" (see ""eye in the sky"") can access. The advantage of the SCC is the versatility of it, able to assimilate information in scenarios other than combat.
However, the SCC is not an artificial intelligence, so the decisions of each scenario must be made by the user before proceeding, therefore requiring the user to be agile in the mind and intimately familiar with the software in order to be operated at its highest efficiency. To this day, Scope has been the sole user of the SCC. - Secret Intellgience Force (SIF)
The elite intelligence-gathering unit of the once-great Maroda (see "Maroda"). The SIF were trained to retrieve relevant confidential information of other pseudonations and provide this information to Maroda's assassins. Among them is the prodigy, Scope (see "Scope").
- Silent Night
A popular side arm to the long-range Sniper Assassins (see "Sniper Assassin"). Known for its noiselessness and far range, the Silent Night is particularly useful in assignments (see "assignment") that require stealth. However, it is low in terms of power and have a high recoil.
- Slave Master
Since the time Maroda (see "Maroda") was in power, the slave trade was bustling. Maroda had set up many slave camps to be used to house slaves before shipping them off. In order to maintain order within the slave camps, Slave Masters were hired to maintain order in the camp. Public killings conducted by Slave Masters were common to keep order.
Currently, Blood Rain (see "Blood Rain") has taken over as the leader in the slave trade. - Small Handheld Long-range Prototype (SHLEP)
The SHLEP is the only handgun (see "pistol") to have a range that exceeds two kilometers. Seen as obsolete by many Sniper Assassins (see "Sniper Assassin"), it has a larger than normal size, extraordinarily heavy and have an extremely high recoil. Till now, it seems that Jack (see "Jack") is the only assassin that uses the SHLEP.
- "Snail Crawl"
Due to the high speeds that pickup (see "pickup") likes to ride in, when he slows down to accommodate his passengers, he is forced to slow down to a point where he gets bored. Thus he calls that speed the "snail crawl" , even if it is still faster than some of the assassins would have liked.
- Sniper Assassin
An assassin that utilize long-ranged weapons to take out targets. The advantages are the low chance of getting discovered and the high survival rate. However, most targets usually provide one chance to fire, and a missed shot would normally have the target scurrying for cover. Therefore, Sniper Assassins require high levels of skill and intense research on the targets.
- Spheres
Highly sophisticated equipment designed and used by Mr. T (see "Mr. T"). Three tiny spheres, that look like golf balls with an eye, revolve around the user providing the user with a high number of uses.
Some of the uses are:- Focused lasers that can cut through most metals.
- Three of more spheres can form a magnetic shield to protect the user.
- Able to record videos.
- Able to scan the surroundings for any heat, electrical, radiological or ultraviolet signals.
- S.S. Securus
Also known as the "Floating Fortress" for its ability to hover like a hovership (see "hovership") despite its large size, the Securus is as large as the average blue whale. It was built and designed in Maroda (see "Maroda"), and was meant to propel the pseudonation (see "pseudonation") to its greatest heights, before its chief designers were killed by the Ripper (see "Ripper") and the Securus itself was stolen.
On board is one of the most advanced stealth technology to compensate for the lack of weaponry. Jack (see "Jack"), however, installed fake weaponry to make the Securus seem even more imposing. This tactic apparently worked on the assassins of The 13 (see "The 13") themselves. - Tachi Fang
When paired with the Kodachi Fang (see "Kodachi Fang"), the Tachi Fang is the perfect weapon for the Back Blade Technique (see "Back Blade Technique"). The Tachi Fang is the longer of the two, used primarily for offensive attacks.
- Terms and Terminologies
You are reading it.
- The 13
- A storyblog written by wj (see "wj") and w_h (see "w_h").
- A group organised by Jack (see "Jack") that work to end the Assassin Era (see "Assassin Era").
- A storyblog written by wj (see "wj") and w_h (see "w_h").
- tridecagon table
A 13-sided table. A tridecagon table is placed in the briefing room in the S.S. Securus (see "S.S. Securus").
- utonium
A special alloy created by Deathtrap (see "Deathtrap") that is indestructible the instant it is formed. When cooled to very low temperatures, the metal becomes extremely malleable, to the effect that it seems almost rubbery. Blades formed from the alloy is extremely rare and valuable, considering that the alloy is very difficult to manufacture and be given form to.
- Vada Desert
It was the place that suffered much destruction during the Nuclear War (see "Nuclear War"), causing it to become a vast desert. Its characteristic red sand dunes are home to the desert nomads that frequently ambush travelers making their way to the Nevada Dusty (see "Nevada Dusty") nearby.
- Vice
One of the best at what he does, Vice is a true blue Raider Assassin (see "Raider Assassin"). Like all Raider Assassins, Vice uses a form of controlled-chaos to disrupt an opponent's rhythm and rational thought. His loud-mouthed vulgarities, painted and pierced body, freakishly-long arms serve to give Vice all the advantages he needs to tip the emotional scale of any assassin, providing him the inherent advantage on almost every occasion. This was proven when he faced off with the always cunning Deathtrap (see "Deathtrap").
Vice's preferred weapon is his acid-laced utonium (see "utonium") Klaws, that extends the range of his already-long arms. He also has many unique skills such as parkour, the fluid extreme sport, and contortionist abilities.
For more information, see Character Profile. - weapons of mass destruction
Weapons of fantastic scale of power, capable of dealing catastrophic amounts of harm with just a singular such weapon. A country was once measured by the weight of its weapons of mass destruction; the more you had, the greater leverage you control. However, this attitude changed drastically after the Nuclear War (see "Nuclear War"). Widespread damage and loss of human lives caused a distinct distaste for WMD.
However, human nature would rear its ugly head in the need to replace WMDs as the primary form of leverage. - Whisper
Beautiful and deadly, Whisper takes pride in being one of the best in the business. It is that pride that propels her to want to become the best. Always serious and ever-ready for action, she is always aware of her surroundings, making it almost impossible for her to be ambushed.
As a Gemini Assassin (see "Gemini Assassin"), Whisper specialises in two skills. When raiding (see "raider"), she uses the powerful Colossus Cannon (see "Colossus Cannon") for the utmost effect and destruction. When employing stealth tactics, she uses the silent but powerful Blackwasp (see "Blackwasp").
For more information, see Character Profile. - w_h
He is the co-author of this blog, and the source of most of the
sex and violencehtml and chapter editing for the 13 (see "the 13"). Brothers with wj (see "wj") and delights writing random glossary information. Denies all accusations of laziness, and would sue but is too lazy to do so. - wj
Co-author of this blog and majority contributer of this Terms and Terminologies (see "Terms and Terminologies") page. Created majority of the concept and characters of the 13 (see "the 13"). Has an irritating and very lazy brother (see "w_h"), although relies on him for the editing and source coding. Wishes fervently for more time to update the 13.
- wristblade
An ambush weapon utilized by Whisper. It is concealed in her cloth arm bands and has a spring release mechanism to surprise enemies. Whisper seldom uses this weapon, preferring to keep it a secret in case of emergencies.

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The Characters
The Assasins
1. Jack
2. Whisper
3. Mr T
4. Big Bang
5. Crosshair
6. Rounin
7. Carnage
8. Vice
9. Death Trap
2. Whisper
3. Mr T
4. Big Bang
5. Crosshair
6. Rounin
7. Carnage
8. Vice
9. Death Trap
The Support
10. Scope
11. Pickup
12. Doctor Strange
13. Piece
11. Pickup
12. Doctor Strange
13. Piece
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1) Don't copy our work.
2)If your name is used, we're not talking about you.
3)Don't screw with us.
4)Just read and enjoy. =)
Our website contains a number of images. Please do not use them in any manner that would cause confusion to our readers. Please refrain from using it in any way that disparages us. If you have a complaint, please write to us.
Please note that all locations, technical terminologies and names and brands are fictitious. Any resemblance to any private individuals, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
If you are aware of any copyright infringement or have any other queries or complaints, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can investigate and, where necessary, correct the problem. Please accept our apologies in advance, on behalf of any contribution which may have offended anyone.
1) Don't copy our work.
2)If your name is used, we're not talking about you.
3)Don't screw with us.
4)Just read and enjoy. =)
Finally it's up and now I can understand the story better.
But strangely, I am unable to access Chapter 5 (All I see is Blogger telling me that 'this page does not exist') and I don't see any page called 'Character Profile' (mentioned under Whisper, Vice, etc.).
Chapter 5 is currently being written, but we have not finalised the draft. Will post asap. Character profiles will be underway once we get a few more updates completed.
making this was a good idea. its like a lil cheatsheet for those who are lost about terms. *thumbs up*
This has come in useful even in the first chapter for me! Although sometimes I wonder why you use quotes around the name in the actual writing of the chapter?
As in the actual writing of the definition of the word? Well, it is to indicate that certain words involved in the definition is also included in the Terms and Terminologies page. Furthermore, it gives that dictionary-like feel of the page.
Oh no I was referring to the actual chapters as opposed to the terms page. I noticed that you use quotes around names of objects in the chapters of the story. I've never actually seen that done before, but I find that it kind of throws me off a bit as I'm reading.
Ah, I see what you mean. I'll have it amended asap. Thanks for the heads up.
No problem :D If I ever get a free minute I might do some fanart for a character or two in the future.
Yes! Please do! I'm trying to input some imagery into the story, but do not have the talent myself.
Nice post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.
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